Adorable James and his parents came to me for a photoshoot. He's three weeks younger than my Albert, and it was really nice shooting a baby that would behave for the camera! James was awake the entire time, so we spent a lot of time trying to get him to smile. Ultimately, we were unsuccessful, as he'd only smile when I wasn't taking pictures, but I think I got some nice shots that showed the little strong man's personality. Here is a preview of their session!
Meet James

yes, he did find his hand quite tasty in all the shots

fuzzy baby head!

my best shot at a non-serious look from James

I love the looks Dad and James are giving each other

posing with mom

the mom had this idea for a family shot. I thought it was great, and something they could continue to do every year as a tradition as James grows older.

a more traditional family shot
baby james is the star of the show!!! how cute!
ii stinkin love it!!! baby james is amazing and i love the foot photo shot!
love kjerstine
Ah! Cute! In the single shot featuring baby James alone, he totaly reminds me of the baby pic of Kelly that you guys have up in the house!
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