Our yard has an inordinate amount of fruit trees for being in the city and a smaller lot. This time of year is apple harvesting time, and I thought they'd make a great background to shoot against. Unfortunately, both my kids had other plans and weren't the most cooperative of subjects, but I did get a couple of good pictures. Yes, all the apples you see were picked from our yard.
If you've been to
my website recently, you'll have seen this picture already. For this picture of Samuel, I used my 85mm 2.8 lense with me perched on top of a six foot tall ladder shooting down at him. he refused to lay down in the apples, probably due to the fact that the sky was bright (even though it was overcast). Hence the close cropping.

Albert was much easier to pose. We just laid him in the grass and positioned apples around him. Again I'm up on the ladder shooting down at him with my 85mm.
"mom, what are you doing?"

I moved off the ladder to shoot him a little closer for these pictures. Todd had the great idea to give him an apple so his hands wouldn't constantly be in front of his face.

and finally, a smile!

and what we do with all those apples - make applesauce! Samuel here is operating the apple corer peeler machine.

in action