Incidentally, Bellevue Botanical Gardens was preparing for its yearly Garden d'Lights. If you live around the Seattle area, definately check it out! They put up tons of strands of lights to make a virtual dazzling light flower display.
Meet the Parish Family. Notice how the oldest daughter isn't *quite* looking my way. the youngest makes up for it with her very determined stare in my direction.

hey! everyone is at least facing forward in this shot! :)

the oldest daughter

My stunning failure at trying to get this family shot. The youngest wanted nothing more than to eat the dirt and gravel of the trail than look at me.

mom and baby

taking a walk with dad

high flier

sweet daddy and baby moment

Alex, your "failure" is fantastic! I love it even though the baby isn't looking at you. It's really really good!
thanks lori! Someone else pointed out that the dad is sort of growing out of the little girl's head (bah!) but I love the look on the older daughter's face. :)
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