What I didn't want was someone coming across my site and going "hey, those aren't pictures I want to be seeing on a prospective photographer's website" or "hey, those are inappropriate pictures". I was a little torn between treading the line of artistic expression, and not alienating prospecting clients. In the end, I realized that I couldn't please everyone, and the more true-to-myself photos I showcased in my portfolio, the more comfortable I would be with the types of clients that would be booking sessions with me. Long story short, I included two nursing pictures in the newborn category and hope that you find them as sweet and touching as I do. Let me know what you think about them. :)

These are hardly pornographic or obscene. Anybody who has an issue with it can stay in Middle America shielded by their bible and watching Nascar.
Oops - that was my comment that was deleted. I said that I think both of those photos are beautiful, and I wish I had similar shots of my daughter and me. I say definitely keep them; there is absolutely nothing offensive about them and I think they are a genuine representation of you and your work.
thanks for the support! it's odd how in a country where we don't blink at crotch shots of Britney and the ilk, people get in such an uproar over seeing nursing pics. it's mindboggling to me!
They are beautiful!
Both photos are beautiful and tastefully done. It always amazes me when people freak out upon seeing the female breast used for the purpose for which it was designed. As a mom who nursed her son, and plans to nurse the next kiddo when the time comes, I would love photos like that to remember that special time.
Keep them in. You live in a part of the country where for every 1 negative comment a potential client gives, there will be 10 more to give a positive comment.
You've captured the moment beautifully and "tastefully" (e.g. it would really be pushing it to offend most anyone's sensibilities with those since you can see more cleavage in any mid-twenties gal out clubbing. Not that ANY photo of a breastfeeding could be untasteful.)
You've got a great eye and your lighting is fantastic. If I was that mom, I'd probably cry if I saw that photo.
You captured the essence of the moment and I think that there are a lot of families who would want to be able to document that time of their family's life in an honest and beautiful way. I mean, really, most infants are either sleeping or feeding. There is nothing wrong with photographing it.
i think the pictures are touching and beautifully done! i really don't understand how anyone could be offended by them.
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