I met this 26 month old toddler and her family at
Gas Works Park in Seattle for their photoshoot. This was also my first rescheduled session because of rain! I've not had the opportunity to wander around Gas Works before and it was a pretty neat location. Along with the old gas works factory, there is a great view of the Seattle skyline and Lake Union.
Raina wasn't so sure about having her picture taken, and I had to resort to every toddler bribe I had to get some smiles. Bubbles, my panda Pez dispenser, food, and The Ultimate Bribe Lollipop. Evevtually we got some nice pictures as she ran around the park and I chased after her with the camera. :)
Meet Raina

a sweet moment with dad. This was how she was for most of the beginning of the shoot.

the bribe lollipop in action!

running down the hill

classic toddler

with mommy

Here you can see the gas works plant

The whole family